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#1 cziachan



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Posted 07 March 2017 - 11:21 PM

i have motorola XT910S and i softbrick it... i follow this solution

 in XDA forum.. and i succed in step 1 and 2.. now in step 3 if i run the EASYRootICS_windows.bat my phone ddnt reboot.. and i cant start up my phone in normal start up cause of CustomerID error,Contact Dealer

Boot to Suspend/TCMD mode:00070000000:000000cc


any advice ?? please help me...

this community help me a lot and it is my time to help.
Its works whit XT910 Korean Retail (S/K).
It is my first post so i can not post links, so remove spaces.
Extract from here: xt910ks.blogspot.com.ar
Motorola Drivers and RSD >5.9 : No links,please google 
 Tool erase the CID & Root: w w w .me diafire .com/?6e1prdc0cq6eraq
Firmware 4.0.4:  w w w .droi deve lop ers.com/dow nloads.php?do =file&id=1407  (need free register)
Update: www .med iafire .com/?7s2e953kuka1xa9
Step 1: Erase CID
       Put XT910 in Fastboot Mode: Volume up + Volume down + Power
       Press volume down to Fastboot and then volume up to select
       Conect to pc and install drivers
       Decompress "Xoa CID & Root.rar", Find "Xoa CID" folder and double click on "run.bat" and the others 3 .bat files
Step 2: FLash Firmware
       Put in Fastboot again, open RSD Lite annd select "SPYDERIRD_U." archive (firmware 4.0.4)
if the flash process fails means that CID is not deleted, back to step 1
  After finish all task whitout errors, reboot cellphone, press Volume up, volume down and Power, and selet "BP Tools"
wait boot correctly, aprox 1~2 min
Put the update in SD Card, and turn off
Boot in recovery mode: Volume down+volume up+Power, and select recovery
When appear Android logo press volume up+ volume down quickly, 
Do a full wipe
select install zip from sd card, and select "Blur_Version.673.94.328.XT910.AsiaRetail.en.03.zip" archive.
wait to terminate
Full wipe again
Reboot and select BP tools again
Step 3 Fix Boot + Mass Storage:
Activate "USB Debugging" and plug to pc, find the root folder from  "Xoa CID & Root.rar" archive and extract, 
then run "EasyRootICS_Windows.bat"
cellphone will reboot 3 time, remember to boot in "BP Tools" always,
when done, run EasyRootICS_Apps.bat to install apps
in Cellphon Run Boot Menu Manager, install Hjihack, in 1st system turn on the first 2 items, 
now restart, and after  3 seconds the cellphone will pass costumer id error and boot properly.
Tested on my XT910S.
Regards from Argentina! :laugh:

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