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XT926 w/unlocked BL losing root

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#1 oldlympic



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Posted 07 June 2016 - 06:20 PM

I have two XT926s which I rooted on Kitkat (I unlocked  #1 a while back with the exploit on 183.46.10, #2 had OTA 183.46.15  and was rooted with Peroxide and then unlocked just recently with Sunshine).  Both are on stock 183.46.15 now and have been for a year or more.  Both had lost root  as of last week.  #1 also seems to have had TWRP overwritten with stock recovery.  I looked in #1 /system/etc/ and there were two renamed install-recovery.sh files and also one NOT renamed.  I believe the two remnamed ones are the original and the one from the *.15 flash. It was no problem to re-root and reflash TWRP, but I'm curious what's going on here....is VZW or Moto messing with unlocked and rooted phones now, de-rooting and forcing stock recovery?  There have been no OTA update notifications since rooting and my understanding is they would fail in any case.  I had done a Ti-Backup on #1 a few months back and several other operations and still had root then.  Strange doin's....



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