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Gytole's Ez Razr Gide...Shirt Time...4/29/13

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#1 Gytole


    The Hicks Boson!

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Posted 27 October 2012 - 01:09 AM


Dont be a goon and Bork your fone. This gyide is written to prevent problums, like spelling erorrs. Raed iht carfuly.(;

This "Ez" guide has been erected from the bit-ridden primordial pool, pulled from the pot of zero's and one's, to explain a 3 step Process. How to Root, How to install Safe strap Recovery, and how to rom your phone. Myself and all other party{s} are not responsible for what YOU do to YOUR phone. Proceed at YOUR OWN risk. I understand it’s not explained 12,000% from developed source, this has simply been made to give you a very EZ understanding of what's going on. If you want the full view and explanation of Safe strap/romming, please go to the website. I will not pleagerize anything, only my own take on them. I will however try to include links to better understand sections of the rom itself. This is now going to contain multiple "Parts" to help with other sectors of the romming process. I will have a directory built in and parts will be added as time progresses.I did NOT build any roms, programs, these are written by Matt and others, I simply only write this guide.

Ice Cream Sandwhich
Part 1 - Ez guide to Safestrap/Low Storage Space FIX
Part 2 - Ez rom maintenance - caches/system errors
Part 3 - Ez Performance
Part 4 - Ez Developers Options
Part 5 - Battery life savings by

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Part 6 - .215 leak install
Part 7 - Ice Cream Sandwich to Jellybean - Alllll the way down - no coming back

I Would like to (after some time) turn this into a big universal android guide, "Lord help me..." and I would like some Konstructive Kritisizm towards how I can make it that way. But lets try to keep it simple and enjoyable. I just want to make it a quick start for noobz, answering all their/your annoying little questions before they/you even ask them. Like everyone else, I don't have all the time in the world and Just do this in my free time. So please Enjoy and understand there will be typos! I Realize Parts will be incomplete at times, I’m starting them with basic setups that a noobicile can do themselves. I will add more as time persists. If there are parts you would like to incorporate, or you think are much needed for a NOOBIE, post a comment, and if in reason I will add it! (; Please...don't just skim over this, read it and remember this...I also try to check this DAILY and often, if you have a question, just ASK or PM me, and I will try to get back with an answer, and an update to the guide as quick as possible!

Root - Administrative control over your device. This usually installs a program Called SuperUser or SuperSU, "Super Superuser", that gives you a prompt to grant or deny permission for a "root" application. Pure awesome. Depending on preference, the Developer has the choice of which one shall be in his/her release. For instance, Flick has Superuser, Black Widow JB has SuperSU. Both do the SAME thing.
Very rarely, a root will only root your phone and you'll have to download superuser to gain administrative control. Typically that's a thing of the past...

Custom Recovery - CWM, "Clockwork Mod", SS "Safestrap" or any other variant than stock. - Allows you to flash non-original firmware allowing your phone to have special features not available in STOCK roms. Also allows you to flash zips, make backups of roms, fix permissions, clear special features of your roms, Wipe the phone of useless stock files, etc (;

Stock Rom - the factory firmware your phone comes with, and full of BLOAT and limited performance = BORING. The beautiful thing about android is there's unlimited possibility to how you can make it look and perform. why would you want just the lame stock.

Custom Rom - Fantastiawesomazingess that developers compile, "build", from the Android Open Source Project, "AOSP", or Android Open Source Kang Project, "AOKP", Cyanogenmod Source, "CM", Or any variant that allows special features not available in stock. Examples, custom pull down toggles to enable or disable features of your phone, wifi, data, etc. Special framework options and custom icons. Speed tweaks for a faster device and stability performance, overclock and under clock abilities, the list goes on and on....

Brick - The Brick...if you flash something that shouldn't have been flashed...or apply a setting that shouldn't have been set, or flash a zip that wasn't for your phone, or any other stupid thing one can do this phone that doesn't allow your phone to boot into recovery/up you have a BRICK. A Brick is a messed up phone, rendering it useless. Before you mess your Razr up, Download the Razr Utility 1.82 it rectify's the brick. if you don't know what rectify means? Get a flip phone. Not all Bricks are cure-able, but its very HARD to Brick a Razr. ALMOST impossible. Do Not fear...we have ALL suffered the Brick...and have ALL recovered.

Bootloop – The boot loop is different than the “brick”. A bootloop is usually, BUT NOT ALWAYS, Caused from a cache error and mainly a system error. In laymens terms a “bad flash” or dirty flash. If you don't wipe your system before installing a rom or wipe your caches you just performed a dirty flash and might experience boot looping. It can be fixed if recovery access is available, just perform the wipes and re-install again. Or if its not being fixed a sbf or fast boot might be your only choice of fixing it.

The Wipes - LEARN THEM. The Wipes are as goes. 1. Wipe SYSTEM. 2. Factory reset/data. 3. Wipe Cache. And last but not least, 4. Wipe Dalvik. I like to call these "The Wipes" , They wipe your device clean of dirty files that can brick or slow down your device. they need to be performed every time you install a NEW rom, or an update of a rom that REQUIRES a "wipe -steps 1-4." Usually and typically A rom update only requires a cache/dalvik wipe and reboot. But depending on suggestion, do them. and REMEMBER them.

Fastboot – This is a special boot image available in some android devices that allows quick manipulation of system files. Its how you can restore your phone back from a brick so quickly and be back to stock.

The Flip Phone - The device you will be asked to revert to if you seriously don't get any of this process...

Any other questions? GOOGLE them, noobles! Google "Noob" while you're at it, thats what YOU are. (; This is an extensive guide explaining how to do this..what it does...why to do it...and why you're not there yet...cause you're a noob...lmao. BUT, lucky enough for you Noobirgins <--see what I did there? I'm here to help you out....The only thing I ask is PLEASE READDDDDD, and Read it again, before you ask something already explained in this procedure! I didnt take my time to write this for you to start halfway down and be lost....Don't be a noob! Noobs are annoying...not hated...but ANOOBANCES.<--see what I did again? We "The ALL-Knowing and ALL-Powerful" Android Rommies get annoyed by annoying questions...Ex-specially ones that have been answered in previous post, And better off, IN THIS GUIDE. So please...read, read again, read post on rom pages...THEN ask if it has yet to be asked/answered. (; Think of "Noob as your beginning to knighthood...you're just starting but you have this Goal of becoming an amazing flasher, not the kind that accepts beads, and maybe a developer someday! My role here is to turn you into a casual rommer and make you comfortable with the rooting/flashing of your device with hopefully no errors. As developers are working hard and sweating over making their roms the most powerful tool at your fingertips, melting faces left and right. I, "Gytole", am Pecking away at this pink keyboard donated by my roomate, to bring you this guide. So Enjoy! AND READ...Absorbbb...
Now...the fun starts. If you're a noob, follow the instructions. Returning customers planning to upgrade from SS2.11, Start at Step 13.

Razr utility 1.82 by

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- GOD MODE for Razr's/maxx's. This is a command prompt utility that has been made to allow you to Fastboot "flash" your phone back to STOCK firmware ICS 4.0.4 .211, repairing a bricked phone, installing root, Over the air root keeper, "OTA", or Installing safe strap recovery 2.11-old version. you can find it HERE!

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Dont worry...the links are only FULL of Viruses...haha jk NOOBZ! It also includes said files to allow you to perform said options above. Also I read that

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will NOT be including ss3-beta in a utility as it is in BETA. This basically means "test". As there could be 10 updates to ss till its final release he doesnt want to include any but the stable release. So please respect that, and dont ask why ss3.05 or 3.xx is in there.

ATTENTION - Before you attempt anything in this guide on your phone, PLEASE Charge your phone to 100%. If anything goes wrong this gives you the ability to have a few hours or so to fix it. Although most problems are fixed within a hour or less. I usually flash around 10% cause i'm an impatient fool. Don't be a fool. Flash at 100% Don't pm me crying...I wont feel sorry. On a side note, plug in your phone to your pc, and at the bottom right of your pc, click that little phone and hit "do nothing when connected" this way the annoying verizon page doesn't pop up every time you connect your phone. Also Download Flick 5.0

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and Black Widow JB Milestone

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These, in my opinion, are the best ICS rom and best JB rom. I'm sure there is a better rom out there, but these are great starters/Daily drivers. Place them on your sd card. I like Flick as it's ice cream sandwich, and is FULLY functional. its completely tweaked out for speed and reliability. its completely fantastic. If you want that stock feel with added greatness, move to Flick. I enjoy Black Widow jb as it's A. Jellybean based, and B. it's completely dark and awesome. It has great speed and very smooth, but some options aren't available, like hdmi and the camcorder is god awful...but all in all it is a great rom if you don't use those 2, haha. As i am also a musician, I rely on my Razrs hd camcorder, so I stick with flick 92% of the time. Also, Idue to popular demand I now suggest Droid HD rom for Razr. It has been designed to give you that "Droid HD" feel for your original razr. It's a great rom visually and has great stability. it's also a ICS rom. you can find it here --->

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created by the amazing mattelgroffeliloticus

Part 1 – Root and Safestrap Recovery

1. - Open Razr Utility 1.82 and use step 1 to make your phone completely stock ICS 4.0.4 . Or if on stock .211 OTA ICS 4.0.4 go to step 2. this will take a few minutes so be patient, its flashing stock files.

Low storage space FIX – To enhance optimal space for additional roms through SS3, I recommend copying pictures or other data you would like to your pc, and then press Settings, System Settings, then storage, and format BOTH internal and external storage, then copy everything back to your ext-sd, this will give you not only fresh stats for data but clean up and give you a full 8gb worth of space once you’re in SS3 for roms (; if not you will have less...This fixes the "low storage space" problem people have been having without a fastboot back to ics. (; you’re welcome. But since there's only 8gb of space, due to the partitioning of the system keeping stock ics, I recommend 1gb partition data sizes in SS3. You’ll see later. Also note that in ss3.xx, sd card is PHONE storage and sd-ext is EXTERNAL, "Micro sd card." You dinguses. Try to have everything saved to the Ext-sd after the rom process this will save valuable space for the system. Also after a rom Installation make sure everything that you are saving "pictures/downloads" are being save to your SD card. Not your internal storage. this otherwise takes away from precious storage dedicated to the android system.

2. - Once it's done, enable usb debugging under settings/developers options at the bottom. Use step 2 to root your device. your device will reboot multiple times while it applies root. be patient and dont touch your device. this will take a few minutes.

"You NO LONGER need this RAZR utility for the rest of the process, unless you want to use Safestrap 2.11." Safestrap 2.11 is COMPLETELY acceptable if you have a plan of flashing ONE rom and ONE rom only. there is NO use for SS3 unless you want to use more than one rom. But crack flashers continue (;for ss2.11 to ss3.0x go to step 13!! Sure i didn't leave out 2.11 users!! Gotta play it safe with the noobies! For SS2.11 without upgrade go to step 16!!”

3. - Now you're rooted! YES!!! While in android, check for superuser in apps. Copy or download Safestrap 3.05, "SS3", to your razr.

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. If you don't see superuser, if it failed during the root process, reboot pc and phone and start razr utility again and attempt root again.

4. - Install SS3.05, open the program through apps and install recovery. It's wherever you downloaded it to, usually downloads. it might ask you to check unknown apps, if it does it usually takes you right to it, just check mark it and back right back out, find your SS3 download again, install it, Install recovery and That's it! Then turn your phone off. Now you need to pay attention.

5. - Turn your phone on and use the settings key when prompted to, to open safestrap recovery. It will be right after the "Moto Dual core" bootlogo. It will say [MENU] for recovery, or [SEARCH] to continue. If you don't know what the "Menu" key is, you're...you're...just you're a Gelfling....haha

“You should now be in SS3. I will now explain what you can do with this fanplastic progrum. and yes I know I said progrum. its such an amazing program it deserves it's own name. (; You have going from TOP LEFT to bottom, and TOP RIGHT to bottom, 8 options.1 - Boot Options, 2 - Backup, 3 - Mount, 4 - Advanced, 5 - Install, 6 - Restore, 7 - Wipe, and 8 - Reboot. This is the main menu of Safestrap 3.0x.

Boot Options - Allows you to choose slots "partitions" for multiple rom loads. - That's what she said. (;

Backup - allows you to backup current rom, so in case of emergency you can restore it? - what is this future talk nonsense...

Mount - Mounts and dismounts parts of the phone. thats...thats what...okay jokes old. You also have the option to mount USB. This allows you to copy files from the Pc to phone via usb while in recovery, VERY nice. speshally if you forgot to copy something during stock load....ALSO things copy over quite quicly in this mode...dik why...but utilize this option for mass file copyings.

Advanced - You can copy logs to sd, partition the sd, terminal command "cmd", Fix Permissions, file manager and other settings.

Install - Use this to install roms or zips. Makes sense, huh?

Restore - Restores a backed up rom!! NO WAY!!! FUTTURREEEEE...

Wipe - The Wipes...sound familiar myah? Also options to format internal storage and SD. Don't if you don't need to...

Reboot - system reboots the phone, Power off...it powers off the phone you numbskull.
If you have more questions...please google them...like terminal emulator and the word Partition? Come on...you should know this!

Now...to continue...

6. - Press boot options. At the top right it will say Stock Rom. The left shall display Rom-slot 1 through 4. These are 4 slots that enable multiple roms to be loaded at one time or another.

7. - Press rom slot 1, select 1gb, or 2gb partition size. I suggest 1gb and create rom slot, it will take a minute or three. This creates the partition to install a NEW rom, while keeping STOCK a separate rom, this is a good thing. It will say creating slot with progress bar. "There will be an ansa, Let it be..."

8. - Once its created, above the slot-1 and stock rom slot it will say "Choose boot rom. Highlighted is active." It should say Rom slot 1. You want this, press the bottom right back arrow.

9. - Press wipe. You shouldn't have to since its new, but just to be safe DO "The Wipes." Wipe System, Factory reset, Dalvik cache and cache. - FRESH STATS ARE BEST

10. - Back up to main menu again, press installllllllll.

11. - Find where you placed your downloaded ROM.zip and install it. Rom of choice, that is. (; On Flick and Black widow JB, You don't need to flash google apps "gapps", as they're integrated in the rom. Flash the rom and that's it! - These are great starter roms!!! I recommend them. this will take a minute or two to install. so be patient!

12. - Press the Back arrow again, hit reboot, and you're done! Boot up normally. It should say safestrap enabled "green" and your new rom should boot RIGHT up in a minute or two. Press the [SEARCH] key to bypass recovery. You don't NEED to but it speeds up the process. Give it time cause it has to build the dalvik Cache the first boot. Don't get scared, usually if you see a boot animation... you made it. (; If you want to get smancy you can flash multiple roms in SS3!. No flocking way!!! Boot back into recovery, hit boot options, then SLOT TWO, click 1gb/2gb, and create it, then follow the flashing process again from the slot activation step 7, and boom! Another rom without having to flashout the old! For example Flash Flick on slot 1, then BW JB on slot 2, and you can boot between the two roms without the hassle of backing up and restoring! If you followed the steps correctly you will have flawless operation over your device, if you didn't..well that sucks, try again. haha.

The rest is for Safestrap 2.11 users only, you're officially done with the process! Enjoy! Feel free to read and ingest the rest as it might come in handy to a fellow friend sometime.

13. - If you're on a custom rom, and want to install ss3.05 from ss2.11, you MUST be on stock. HOWEVER, I found a work around where you don't have to fastboot back to .211. BACKUP your apps through Titanium Backup, or My Backup Root on your custom rom. But if you want to start from a clean state I suggest fastbooting, although i've never had a problem and have NEVER fast booted. I will post the date when/if I had to in the future.

14. - Boot into stock, and Install ss3 over ss2.11 and reboot into ss3 recovery. Perform the wipes, then the backup button and hit reboot. If you try to boot from the SS2.11 to the SS3 you WILL BRICK. it wont boot past the boot animation. you have been warned. easily fixed but annoying...

15. - Allow stock rom to boot up all the way, this way STOCK is loaded, and no further problems are acquired. If you don't boot stock you WILL brick. Note - this will take a minute or 3, it has to rebuild the stock rom/dalvik cache. There has to be a stock rom for SS3. And you'll get over it. Reboot. Once stock rom has loaded and go to Step 5! Enjoy! If you need to Reroot, then just start from the beginning. Sorry for your messup ); Remember once on stock, format the internal/external storages to fix the low storage space error.

You're now done with converting ss2.11 to ss3.05, if wanting to use ss2.11 then proceed!

16. - Root phone by step 2 of Razr Utility 1.82, install SS2.11 by step 4 of Razr utility 1.82, or if you're on SS2.11 proceed. This is the ole' "button mash" recovery" up/down volume and power buttom to select menu. really easy and nice for one rom loads.

NOTE – Stock is no longer intact as SS2.11 only allows one rom to boot at at time. But remember a factory reset will make the phone stock again to allow for SS3 install.

17. - Perform The Wipes! then Back out.

18. - Press Install Zip from SD, and find your rom of course, install gapps if needed. Reboot and your done! give it a minute or two to boot up and you're done! If it asks you to enable safestrap do so through the quick enable safestrap menu.

If you have further questions that are answered by this guide you will be picked on by EVERYONE. Haha, Come on I Kidd I kidddd...but seriously...read the guide...


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for including me as install instructions in his Flick rom Thanks Byte, it's a privilege!!!! Bigdaddyhicks,

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, and all the others wouldn't be razr roms without them! We can do sweet stuff to our Razrs, and other devices because of them! Because I was once a noob, I started pecking out this guide to help everyone! Keep it simple! And a Special thanks to

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for much needed guidance on how to edit this thing, haha IMMA NOOB!
Also, thanks to

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for his fantastic Droid Razr utility, and being mentioned on XDA - you're the man!
Please feel free to post a link to this guide, so all other noobers can have a quick setup of their first roms!
And with everything, If you like what you get from these developers, please donate. help keep stuff like this alive.

Also, please like and follow this post if it helped you! I will update it as needed, "Safestrap 3.xx, Flick and Black Widow JB" update links. I would like this to be adequate for anyone to use. Links updated 10/30/12


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, I will be expecting my Salmon Dinner.

Part 2 – Rom Maintenance

This part of the guide covers some of the problems you might encounter after putting a custom rom on your phone, and some fixes/possible fixes that i've encountered personally that can possibly/will fix what you’re experiencing. This also has simple tips to keep your rom in tip top working condition.

1. –
Now that you’re all booted up you’re checking out the new features and speed in your nice new rom you decide you want all of your apps back. Go ahead and sign into google through the settings menu/accounts and sign in. Then go to your play store and reinstall Tibu or My backup root. Then reinstall your app/data. If you didn't back anything up, you can always go to the playstore and hit settings then my apps, and then swipe over to “all” and reinstall applications you want. Sometimes its even backed up through google. I don't use it though, as i like different applications everytime.

Please note - not all apps are compatible with switching roms. For eggzample, if you backup Rom Toolbox/pro with data that has been saved from previous tweaks, the tweaks may not be available in the new rom and its safest to not restore that application and just redownload it from the play store and set it back up yhe way you had it from scratch. But most video game apps, and video apps are safe. Mainly, just ones that use tools for your roms are possible boot problem causers.

2. – Now your apps are back and nice and neat and smell great, if not, it might ask you to reboot the phone. Do it. But a precautionary measure would be to Go ahead and boot into Safestrap and wipe your caches. This is because new programs were added and the phones previous cache, and from a fresh boot is still going to be read, and if apps are in there that aren't supposed to be then it might cause boot disturbances. So be SURE to wipe Dalvik. Dalvik is the big one here as it is the application optimization cache. Also fix permissions while your at it, this fixes executive links between android os and apps that cause force closes, this will take a minute. Then Go ahead and reboot into the rom, it will take a minute or two, and you’ll notice a “Android is optimizing” sreen. That’s your dalvik rebuilding. Sometimes a rom will automatically rebuild it’s dalvik, sometimes it doesn't. Just go in an wipe it and be safe. If you’re stuck at the boot animation or if it keeps rebooting multiple times you probably had a bad install of an app and need to reflash your rom. A good thing to remember is an app from the appstore builds its own dalvik, and backed up/restored app doesn't. Hints the Dalvik wipe being needed. (;

Note – If you can boot into Safestrap even when you’re bootlooping theres a strong possibility you can fix the phone without fastbooting it. Fastboot is a last minute procedure, and can only be done with a 50% battery charge or more. Sound Familiar? Charge up that fone...

Part 3 - Performance

1. – A nice feature built into most AOKP and CM roms are the rom control/Cyanogen Settings. There are special optimization options that you can go through and manually tweak your rom to your own preference! You can change the look of your rom, like how your battery icon looks, or what toggles are available. I Will only be explaining performance features. Usually underneath every option is a short description of what it does. Please google it if you dont know.

1. - Overclock/Underclock – This is the option to change the rate of power of which your processor is running. An overclock adds more juice thus speeding up your device making it faster! An underclock, lowers the juice, saving battery power. There are advantages and disadvanteges to both, try them out and see what you like. You also have the availability to change the CPU governer and I/O scheduler. I suggest you google them and try them all out and see which one works best for you. Remember with any overclock/underclock or kernal tampering there is always a chance of a brick/bootloop. There's always trial and error and I suggest you take precautionary steps. Get the rom setup how you like it, perform a backup of everything and proceed with the tampering.

2. - Memory Management – Allows you to control how much of your devices memory is free at all times. Experiment and find whats the best you like, I usually keep my devices with 80mb free at all times, its the best stability. Some roms are already pre-programmed and tweaked to have more available at all times to keep the device fast and snappy. If its set that way, keep it that way unless you know what you’re doing. If your device likes to become slow alot it's probably because it's running low on memory all the time.Theres also the availability of sysctrl tweaks and other features that allow you to have things automatically start with the system boot! Options to clear the cache at boot, Fix permissions with every start up and automatic setting of the Overclock/underclock might be available. If it is I recomend experimenting and finding what works best for you. I take advantage of it all. I like clearing my caches even though it’s not 100% required depending on user. If you’re just the average turn the device on and use it and like the rom, you wont need these features althought they might add speed and reliability, but if you’re constantly adding/removing apps, changing settings doing this and that check them all. Haha

Part 4 – Developers options

I personally like Developer options...its the one place stop, get all your settings done kinda place handed to us in ICS and so on. It’s located at the bottom of settings in the main settings menu. Here it allows you to enable/disable android debugging, change visual transition speeds, and do fancy stuff with your device. I set it up as follows...

Android Debugging – check. This allows the debugging interface so if you ever need adb or any application that requires access, you’re ready.

Window Scale/Transition scale/animator scale – Animation OFF. This speeds up how fast menus and animations move. Obviously, if you turn them off? Its going to fly. I love moving fast, and I dont care about the animations. I used to? But once you get to know android, you start to love how fast you can make it rather than a visual wow factor. My wow factor is changing any setting in .02 seconds rather then a second because of animations.

Disable HW overlays – Check. This allows the processor and graphics processor to share memory allowing pages to overlap. I noticed little difference but enabled allows screens to render faster.

Force gpu rendering – check. This allows the gpu to take the graphical load form a cpu thus allowing the cpu to handle numbers while the gpu handles graphics.

The other options I dont touch, theyre more there for developers to see what is going on. Like screen touches and dots and colours. you can play with them though, there cool for like 3 seconds.

Part 5 - Battery life by

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Somethings are better explained by the Developers themselves, and

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has made a quick and easily readable/understandable guide for tips and tricks to save battery life! if you're into saving every ounce of battery life you can, I highly recommend this guide.

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As always, if you like it/it helped you out? Donate!

For quick battery saving suggestions just turn your brightness, Wifi and data off when you're not using them...if you're on wifi? Turn Data off. if you're in a video game turn wifi/data off. its common sense that if you're not using it you dont need it (;

Part 6 - .215 leak install

There are two big advantages of installing the .215 leak. Better battery life and better 4G connectivity. I experimented and found it's rather easy to do, but as wth any leak theres always risk of a brick.

1. - first of all download the .215 leak and place it to the root of your ext sd card --->

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2. - You need to be on stock rom. Stock meaning .211 with no frozen/disabled apps. If you're on a custom rom through SS3 simply activate the stock rom and boot into it. you don't need to fastboot, it's recommended but I did it with ZERO problems from SS3. Also for SS2 Users you need to do a factory reset/cache wipes from the stock recovery and it'll rebuild stock rom. If need be though, just do a fast boot. a fastboot is always recommended as it's a fresh start...once you factory reset twice after it's done. lmao

3. - While on the stock rom, open up Safestrap app used to install SS and uninstall your recovery.

4. - Install Ota Root Keeper from the Play Store. open it and temp unroot your device. then power off your device.

5. - Press and hold volume keys and then the power button to boot into Boot Mode Selection Menu. using the down arrow to navigate and the up arrow to choose, press down to recovery, and press the up to select.

6. - While in recovery, hit apply update from sd, and choose the .215 leak zip. it will take a good 10 minutes to install. took me like 6 minutes. If it fails, wipe cache and try installing again.

7. - After it's done wipe cache, and reboot your phone.it will take a few minutes

8. - Once its loaded back into stock, you should now be on the 215 leak, you can check settings, about phone and see. Now just hit your Ota Root keeper app and reroot. takes 2 seconds. and after you have root, open SS3 and install recovery. Boom, back to normal.

I installed the 215 leak from being on flick in SS3. I activated stock rom, booted in, did the procedure, unrooted, uninstalled recovery, installed the leak, rerooted, and reinstalled SS3 and booted back into SS3 without losing my flick or Blackwidow rom. everything was intact, so it CAN be done without fastboot. I just reactivated flick, wiped cache/dalvik, let it boot up and everythings been peachy. Enjoy! I didnt want to include leaks but people suggested it had better battery life and I thought i'd try it out for myself and see what I can do by not being "truely stock" since I didnt fastboot. (; im a rebel. if you dont want to run into any problems if you're a complete noob, FASTBOOT back to .211. I dont want to hear it. i'm comfortable with my razr and I took the risks of coming from SS3 and installing the leak. Dont be like me if you dont want problems.

Part 7 - Ice Cream Sandwich To JellyBean

There is a way to dual boot JB/ICS. This is not it. this is to go from ICS to JB. once you journey to JB there is NO going back to ICS...you have been warned! you can find how to dual boot ics/jb here --->

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Onto the fun! Read it TWICE for phone to play NICE before attempting anything. Also remember, charge your phones first. and make sure you have an OEM cable. Impatience creates problems. Also once you make the transition from ICs to JB there is NO WAY BACK. All ICS roms are useless. Enjoy!

No.1 - Save everything you want off the phone, Pictures music or whatever else you have as you will be losing everything. Copy it to the PC and not your sd card. Use matts utility 1.82 to fastboot back to stock .211, then after the fastboot immediately boot into recovery by holding the volume up/down/power button combo, and factory resetting the phone, I recommend doing it 2-3 times just for safe keeping. then reboot. Fastbooting, if you havent done it, takes a few minutes so be patient.

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No.2 - once in stock ICS, go to storage and wipe internal storage, and hook you phone up to your pc and format your memory card. SAVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT OFF IT FIRST, but you need FRESH storages so no problems arise. It's not necessary to wipe storages but I suggest it. This give the drive's fresh partitions ridding the phone of leftover fragments that render files useless. A rare occurance but it DOES happen.

No.3 - THEN with a FRESHLY FORMATTED SD CARD copy the jb ota to the ROOT of your sd card/internal storage, yes both places. you can find it here! --->

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No.4 - Boot into the stock recovery by the Volume up/down power combo. Choose recovery. Then Hit apply update from sd card. This will take a few minutes...and I mean few as in 15 or so minutes.

No.5 - Once it's done, go ahead and factory reset it 2-3 times just for jame's sakes. and reboot the phone and let it boot up.

No.6 - If everything played nicely you should be booting into JellyBean. it's going to take 3 minutes or so because it has to rebuild everything. once it's done let it sit for a few extra minutes and then go to settings and storages and wipe your storages once more.

If you only wanted to venture to stock Jellybean, your Journey ends heyuh. But if you want to root and have awesome goody nice rommyness built from JB base? Proceed ahead my friends.

No.7 - Now you're all Jellybeaned up and you've played with google now and smelled Chris Griffins shorts, now you want MORE...Thanks to the Masta Moto Cracka, Dan Rosenberg, we can now achieve root after the update. ALL CREDIT GOES TO DAN, Not some douche-nozzle on youtube.
You can find the link to the Root program and instructions HERE! -->

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No.8 - Now you need to install Safestrap recovery for Jellybean. SS3.11 has been cooked up to work with the new JB leak, you need it in order to flash you some new roms. it is an APK so just download it and install it via your phone, open it up in your apps, and hit install recovery and grant root permission. SS3.11 can be downloaded here --->

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[b]No.9 -
Boot into recovery by turning your phone off, then on and hitting the settings key when prompted. you can use the same step process used above for rom slot instructions above in the ICS section, just cant use ICS roms, remember that. once a rom slot is created, go ahead and check out all the roms on the JB page.

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. I have been crackflashing but Jellywhiz, and fuzion, and cyclone have been good starters. Depending upon your taste and feel try them out and find out whats right for you. I like them all as i like what every developer has to offer. I'm a Bytecode fan, and Im waiting for that release where he goes, here's the Gytole release, lmao.
Team Litespeed also has a new release, "Flying Jelly" I recommend checking it out. theyre all worth rocking on our razr's.

I will add more later, i'm doing this via my TF201, and it can be a pita on the internet that I have, good ole 10mbps connection. i'm working on buying a pc cause I just sold my 6 year old dell, and i will give this a beautiful makeover then. but wont be for a while. i'll do updates on this but in free time, I work 12 hour days.

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#2 Gytole


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 01:18 AM

I will continue to revise and make this better for everyone! Please like and comment on improvements or if it's helped you! It's nice to be recognized! and spread the word!! Please keep it droidrzr exclusive!
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#3 Gytole


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 01:42 AM

And Developers, please post a link of my guide to your page to keep those flashing questions away!!! You keep up the hard work, I'll take care of the noobbbzzzzz
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#4 tucstwo



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Posted 27 October 2012 - 08:28 AM

Might I suggest you make some use of the bold font feature in certain areas? It makes it easier to read. Such as in your definitions area.

Visit DRDevs.com hosting site for all official Droidrzr.com ROMs, Apps, GApps and other mods/files!!
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Posted 27 October 2012 - 09:04 AM

I don't see instability in the reading the way it is? But I could bold some things out next time. Unless there's a way to edit?
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#6 tucstwo



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Posted 27 October 2012 - 12:48 PM

Looking good. Pinning to the top too.
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Visit DRDevs.com hosting site for all official Droidrzr.com ROMs, Apps, GApps and other mods/files!!
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Posted 27 October 2012 - 12:51 PM

Nice, Very good, now its looking like a real post, thanks Tucstwo!!
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#8 DunnJH4



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Posted 27 October 2012 - 03:45 PM

Thanks a lot Gytole. Perfect for us Flashers that just cookbook our way through our Droids. I just rooted yesterday, got some sweet ROMs, but your write up made me more comfortable with SS3. My only problem so far is flashing Gapps. Must be doing it wrong, because it keeps failing. I will try your recommended files that have Gapps included. Thanks again. Most of the walkthroughs I find are outdated, and asking new questions just gets you referred to out of date walk-throughs.

#9 Gytole


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 05:00 PM

Thanks a lot Gytole. Perfect for us Flashers that just cookbook our way through our Droids. I just rooted yesterday, got some sweet ROMs, but your write up made me more comfortable with SS3. My only problem so far is flashing Gapps. Must be doing it wrong, because it keeps failing. I will try your recommended files that have Gapps included. Thanks again. Most of the walkthroughs I find are outdated, and asking new questions just gets you referred to out of date walk-throughs.

What rom are you using? is it ICS? JB? Are you flashing a compatible gapps?
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#10 ZKK007


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 05:18 PM

Great write up! ... If only this had been around yesterday... ;)



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#11 Gytole


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 05:23 PM

it's been out for a week! Just didnt look this pretty or as well explained till well...today...haha
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#12 ZKK007


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 06:18 PM

it's been out for a week! Just didnt look this pretty or as well explained till well...today...haha

My mistake :P

Just confirming here, but wiping dalvik also wipes battery stats, right? It worked for me, but I couldn't find if hashcode put battery stats somewhere else.
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Posted 27 October 2012 - 06:22 PM

nope, dowload battery calibration from the play store and use it to wipe battery stats. lol
Wiping Dalvik doesnt do that.
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#14 DunnJH4



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Posted 28 October 2012 - 09:01 PM

So what does the Dalvik cache really do? I've read battery stats several times.
FYI: Safestrap got me into the BlackWidow ROM, and I was really liking it. Then I was using Ti BackUp to reinstall all of my good apps and something went wrong. Wiping phone and starting with the backup sI put on my computer as we speak.

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Posted 28 October 2012 - 09:51 PM

It wipes the cache in between programs when you wipe it the dalvik needs to rebuild which is why you see android is upgrading after the wipe. I it optimizes the programs running
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Posted 29 October 2012 - 02:57 PM

Updated. Let me know of future ideas and incorporations.
Tucstwo - How's it looking so far bud?
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#17 Gytole


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Posted 29 October 2012 - 10:38 PM

Low memory error FIXED! and nobody is on here yet...hahaha
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#18 crispy828



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Posted 30 October 2012 - 02:36 AM

when i try to install my rom onto rom slot one, I cannot even choose the sd card to get the rom.

what exactly is the problem?

#19 Gytole


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Posted 30 October 2012 - 05:00 AM

It's under sd-ext in ss3. Sd card is phone memory and sd-ext is the actual memory card. (; when finding the rom make sure you press up a level and hit it. I hope this helps
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#20 crispy828



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Posted 30 October 2012 - 10:54 AM

When it says "use external SD" & "Use internal storage" I cannot choose "use external storage"

& even under "use internal storage" when I choose "sd-ext" I see nothing =(

I dont know whats going on
If it helps, I have a Droid Bionic that I rooted from that wack ics update

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