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Safestrap 3.11 stock ROM issues

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#21 Memnoch73


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Posted 31 March 2013 - 06:21 PM

I am having trouble since I updated to JB from ICS. It was a long process, but I got the update and had a good stock ROM running. I also updated from Safestrap V2.11 to 3.11 somewhere along the line,but I can't remember if I used Matt's utility for that or not. I did go back later and move the old SS backup folder to the external SD card based on reading in the XDA forum that you should do that. I didn't do it before upgrading though.

I flashed a custom ROM and it is working fine. Now I cannot get into my stock rom (boot loop) and I cannot restore either of two stock backups that I made with safestrap. When I open Safestrap from the custom ROM, it says Recovery State: Old Version,Safe System: Not Active. It also has a small 2.00 lower on the screen. I am not familiar enough with Safestrap to know what these mean and whether they may hold some clue to my being able to get the stock system back without a big hassle.

Any help or info on the above would be appreciated.

Sounds like things became messed up between upgrading both the OS (JB) and Safestrap versions. I'm glad you can boot into a Custom rom at least. I would hang on to that as long as you like then when you are ready to move on I would suggest using Matt's newest Utility and starting fresh.

so many problems with Razr's & safestrap, and of course no word out of Hashcode! I think he no longer cares about us razr users! I have being hearing the same problems asked in many other forums and not one reply!

That's unnecessarily harsh toward someone that has given so much to the Razr. Honestly most issues are operator error since a ton of people here use the newest safestrap and JB without issue. All of us here try are best to help as many people as possible. Unfortunately we cannot solve every single problem as soon as possible as this is just our hobby. There is a ton of info on this site and we hope some people with issues can help themselves by reading over the problems and good result of fellow members.

On a final note Hash has his fingers in a ton of projects and I do not expect that he can keep up and trouble shoot every single issue. Let's all please recognize that our Razrs would be in worse shape without his efforts.
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#22 Guest_DirtyDroidX_*

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Posted 31 March 2013 - 08:25 PM

Just to add my .02 to the comments of Hash code. The man has a Job, a wife, and not only maintains numerous phones in conjunction with his on blog and countless other forums. Not to mention that he creates the very software that has let all of us enjoy Motorola phones.

There will be bugs, the best thing to do is use Google and learn how to run a logcat to help with the problem.
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#23 smithfolk4



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Posted 01 April 2013 - 03:08 AM

Thanks for the responses. I really appreciate the work that Hashcode, Matt, and all of the other developers do to help the rest of us out and let us get the most out of our devices. I think that they really put a lot of effort into what they do and have the best intentions. They have helped me a lot.

I just wish I understood a bit better how some of these apps worked together. Most are not a problem, but Safestrap and Voodoo seem to have some weird relationships and functions. I guess they get a bit deeper into the operating system and therefore you have to be a bit more careful when dealing with them.

I think I will go ahead and do a clean install and go from there. Thanks again.

#24 smithfolk4



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Posted 02 April 2013 - 03:08 AM

Just an update on the issue with stock ROM (#19 above). I used Matt's X912 Utility to reinstall the stock JB ROM. Worked like a champ. I also found that I had to clean up the custom ROM a bit. There was an old copy of Safestrap installed (Version 2) in the custom ROM. Not sure how it got there, but I suspect that I must have restored it via Ti BU. Operator error as usual. Once I installed the stock ROM and cleaned up the custom ROM everything works great. I am beginning to appreciate how the Safestrap works.

I would say that it is probably better only to have SS installed in the stock ROM.

Thanks for the help.

#25 cmh714


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Posted 04 April 2013 - 05:13 PM

Just an update on the issue with stock ROM (#19 above). I used Matt's X912 Utility to reinstall the stock JB ROM. Worked like a champ. I also found that I had to clean up the custom ROM a bit. There was an old copy of Safestrap installed (Version 2) in the custom ROM. Not sure how it got there, but I suspect that I must have restored it via Ti BU. Operator error as usual. Once I installed the stock ROM and cleaned up the custom ROM everything works great. I am beginning to appreciate how the Safestrap works.

I would say that it is probably better only to have SS installed in the stock ROM.

Thanks for the help.

Safestrap is meant to be installed in the Stock ROM......thats how it basically hooks the bootloader and takes control

#26 DroRzr



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 02:55 AM

Hope someone can answer this re: Superuser by ChainsDD and Superuser by ClockworkMod
These two conflicting apps may be causing Binary issues? Do ya think? I need help, pls read on..

I installed DROID_RAZR_Utility_Jellybean_XT912_WinMacLin.zip and then RazrBlade for Root and Safestrap11from these packages.
I then installed Kexec Rom via Safestrap to Romslot 1 and backed up my Stock.
Packages above (forgot which one to be exact) installed Superuser on my Stock Rom.
When I installed Kexec Rom, Superuser was not in the App drawer! Strange. Anyway, forums told me to install it from Playstore, which I did.
Now, in stock, SuperUser alert says, Binary must be updated, select installation method of CANcel, Recover Install, or Install.
So, now I get 2 reminders, one on Stock and other on Kexec Rom! LOl
When viewing Playstore, I noticed that there are to apps named Superuser: Superuser by ChainsDD and Superuser by ClockworkModguys! Guys! You're killing me:-) 2 apps-same names!
I'm not a wiz at this, and it's really confusing. But, I think i know what might be causing the problem/conflict. - Stock may have one version, and Rom, may have had another built in? When one disappeared, I probably downloaded the other and caused a problem???
If that's the case, can I delete both Superuser apps ( Rom and Stock) and reinstall the same version to both sides? Which do u suggest is better to use ClockworkMod or ChainsDD?
Sorry for such a long note, and I hope u understand what I am trying to explain and solve.
PS: I wrote developer and have yet to receive a response. I'm hopeful, yet would like to resolve this issue:-)

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