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[ROOT] Motoshare 2: Old Bug, New Exploit

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#21 SamuriHL


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Posted 22 April 2013 - 02:20 PM

Question: Do we need to run the chmod 755 run.sh as sudo? Will we get a permission denied?


When I did it I did it as sudo.  I don't have my linux VM open right now else I'd check.  Very likely though.  I'll update Dan's instructions.  Better safe than sorry.

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#22 tucstwo



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Posted 22 April 2013 - 02:21 PM

When I did it I did it as sudo.  I don't have my linux VM open right now else I'd check.  Very likely though.  I'll update Dan's instructions.  Better safe than sorry.

ok, I was gonna suggest it because it seems out of place like that. It couldn't hurt to run it as sudo.

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#23 ReservedName



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Posted 22 April 2013 - 02:27 PM

hey samuri can i do these terminal commands from mac?

seems like I could install samba for osx but figured i'd ask before trying

#24 SamuriHL


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Posted 22 April 2013 - 02:31 PM

ok, I was gonna suggest it because it seems out of place like that. It couldn't hurt to run it as sudo.


No it doesn't hurt even if it's not required.  Again, I'd rather err on the side of caution with what we know works than have people run into problems and have to support a bunch of people for it.

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#25 SamuriHL


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Posted 22 April 2013 - 02:32 PM

hey samuri can i do these terminal commands from mac?


I honestly do not know.  If you can set up a samba share on the Mac it MIGHT work.  Completely and totally untested AFAIK.  The osx adb binary is in there so all I can say is try and please report back if it works or not.

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#26 NewtG



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Posted 22 April 2013 - 02:34 PM

Thanx Dan, donation sent, sorry It could not be more!!

#27 ReservedName



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Posted 22 April 2013 - 02:36 PM

I honestly do not know.  If you can set up a samba share on the Mac it MIGHT work.  Completely and totally untested AFAIK.  The osx adb binary is in there so all I can say is try and please report back if it works or not.

lol i'm always the one to test djrbliss stuff on mac last time bionic was rooted i even combined his windows version of the exploit into a mac script. doubt i'll be doing that this time though..

wish me luck

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#28 milski65


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Posted 22 April 2013 - 02:39 PM

Thanks for everything you've done for Android Dan.  You've had a huge impact on making us who we are today.  

#29 Int_Rnd_Pooka



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Posted 22 April 2013 - 02:47 PM

Test it on Mac. Worst case is that it doesn't work and you FXZ. Booting into a livecd isn't a problem on windows boxes, but I don't know if you can do that with a Mac. You can certainly run Linux in a network aware VM to accomplish this if Mac boxes won't do it natively.

#30 Tomsg123



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Posted 22 April 2013 - 02:49 PM

I am working on a how to video will post when I am done



Finished Video here 


Hope this helps some of the noobs out.

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#31 ReservedName



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Posted 22 April 2013 - 02:58 PM

i have some version of samba installed on my mac now but the smb.conf directs shares to this file 

; Pull in system share configuration. These are managed
    ; by smb-sync-shares.
    include = /var/db/samba/smb.shares

so i opened smb.shares but it says it is automatically generated and warns against editing it. I can edit it to add these lines

path = /tmp/share
= yes
valid users
= guest
read only
= yes
= yes
public = yes

BUT i'm not sure if i should add that to smb.shares or try to reconfigure smb.conf to use this instead of smb.shares

I know this isn't something a lot of people can shed light on but I think I can help most by documenting my attempts.

#32 SamuriHL


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Posted 22 April 2013 - 03:01 PM

i have some version of samba installed on my mac now but the smb.conf directs shares to this file 

; Pull in system share configuration. These are managed
    ; by smb-sync-shares.
    include = /var/db/samba/smb.shares

so i opened smb.shares but it says it is automatically generated and warns against editing it. I can edit it to add these lines

path = /tmp/share
available = yes
valid users = guest
read only = yes
browsable = yes
public = yes

BUT i'm not sure if i should add that to smb.shares or try to reconfigure smb.conf to use this instead of smb.shares

I know this isn't something a lot of people can shed light on but I think I can help most by documenting my attempts.


Throw it in your shares file.

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#33 MetalJR



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Posted 22 April 2013 - 03:03 PM

Anybody succeed? No luck here. Everything pushed but still no root binary
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#34 SamuriHL


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Posted 22 April 2013 - 03:04 PM

Anybody succeed? No luck here. Everything pushed but still no root binary


Yes.  I did.

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#35 livinginkaos


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Posted 22 April 2013 - 03:05 PM

The main thing is that you can access the share from the Bionic.  The name of the share is not important as long as you tailor the needed commands to point to it.  


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#36 xrasimx



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Posted 22 April 2013 - 03:06 PM

Thank you.
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#37 MetalJR



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Posted 22 April 2013 - 03:06 PM

I'm starting over from step one on a fresh Ubuntu 12.10. Maybe I missed something.

#38 livinginkaos


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Posted 22 April 2013 - 03:07 PM

I'm starting over from step one on a fresh Ubuntu 12.10. Maybe I missed something.

Good idea - btw, watch what the text shows as it goes so you can tell us what you see if there is a problem.  Just saying it didn't work doesn't give us much to go on.


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#39 Quadroller



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Posted 22 April 2013 - 03:08 PM

$15 sent. Thank You Dan!!

#40 SamuriHL


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Posted 22 April 2013 - 03:09 PM

I can't stress this next point enough...if you are asking for help, things like "it didn't work" or "did it work for anyone else cause it didn't for me" are going to get ignored or very short replies.  If you want help, you MUST provide information that will help us help you.  Copy and paste from the command window in Linux, give us any errors you see, tell us in detail every step you took to get where you are, etc.  We want to help, but, we can't be mind readers and work to PULL information out of you.  The more info you provide, the easier it'll be to help you.

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