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Ics Vs Gb Question

ICS GB Tasker answer auto

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#1 Thwip



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Posted 01 June 2012 - 09:58 AM

Perhaps someone running a recent ICS build can answer my question.

My RAZR is rooted stock GB. I'm using Tasker & Titanium Backup. I used Titanium to make Tasker a system app. This allowed me to create a Tasker profile to automatically answer calls from favorite contacts during certain hours.

My question: Does this also work on ICS?

The very simple answer profile I created is attached.

Hopefully this continues functioning for me when ICS is released. For anyone wondering why I want my phone to automatically answer - when I'm in bed I cannot answer my phone because of a disability. I need to be able to answer potentially important calls, like my aid going to be late, etc. I could have solved this problem with a $50 bluetooth spearkerphone but the old programmer in me prefers a creative and effective hack. ;)

Attached Files

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ICS, GB, Tasker, answer, auto

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